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Tsveta Stadler
What are auto-nosodes and what do they help with?
What are auto-nosodes?
Nosodes are homeopathic medicines that are made from products of humans, animals, microorganisms or viruses. In the case of auto-nosodes, the starting material comes from the patient himself. Such materials include saliva, hair, urine, skin flakes, etc. This means that each auto-nosode is unique and individually tailored to the patient.
Where are auto-nosodes made?
The auto-nosodes are manufactured by a homeopathic pharmacy in Germany. For more information, please contact me.
What are the benefits from auto-nosodes?
Nosodes are said to have a positive effect on the body's ability to regulate itself, which helps the body to tackle pathological conditions or chronic stress (physical or psychological causes).
Since the nosodes represent your body exactly, they are also the perfect regulator of all processes in your body and only in your body. For example, the environmental pollution (pesticides/herbicides from food, etc.) is "stored" in your cells and the homeopathic dilution gives the body the information about the poisons as a stimulus. This allows the body to excrete the poisons more quickly and effectively. The effect is similar for infections - the body receives the information about the germ as a stimulus and can finally begin the necessary reaction.
As an example, the urine nosode
The urine treatment refers to the use of one's own urine for medical purposes. It is intended to stimulate and regulate the body's own defenses as a stimulus or readjustment therapy. The following areas of application are described in the literature:
- acute, recurrent or chronic mucous membrane infections and respiratory tract infections (e.g. urinary tract infection, sinusitis, sore throat or pharyngitis, bronchitis...)
- allergic diseases (hay fever, allergic asthma, food allergies)
- migraines
- sequelae after infections.
What is the placenta nosode?
In homeopathy, there is a wide range of possible uses for the placenta. Many indigenous peoples have also used the placenta as a medicinal remedy in the form of placenta powder or as an essence. There are various traditional customs for leading a happy and successful life by storing the placenta in a special way. Burying the placenta is probably the best known such ritual, and then planting a tree in the place, which is inspired by the tree-like appearance of the placenta. And the Inuit still give children a piece of their dried placenta to eat on every special occasion.
In Europe, placenta powder could be bought in pharmacies until the end of the 19th century. For a long time, clinics sold the placenta as a raw material to the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. However, due to the risk of transmitting infectious diseases, the practice was discontinued.
In recent years, the placenta has been rediscovered as a medicinal remedy. Since around 1990, therapists and women have increasingly relied on the power of the placenta, particularly via homeopathic preparations. As with every homeopathic medicine, a so-called drug picture has been created for the human placenta, which describes the situations and illnesses in which the remedy can be used. For example, all types of infections, gynecological ailments, breastfeeding problems and exhaustion are described for the placenta.
All of these findings from the past come from homeopathic remedies that were made from an arbitrary human placenta. For example, you can buy the homeopathic remedy "placenta humana C30" as globules in homeopathic pharmacies. However, if you want the special course of the pregnancy and thus the personal characteristics of the placenta to be reflected in the homeopathic remedy, you will need to process your own placenta.
If the placenta is not available or usable, it is possible to make homeopathic remedies from breast milk. Breast milk - lac humanum - has also been tried and tested in homeopathy and its uses are in many ways the same as those of the placenta.
If you are interested in a placenta or breast milk nosode, please contact me.
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